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What's The Story With The Black Streaks On The Roof?


The primary function of your home's roofing system is to protect your home and its occupants from the harsh elements of nature. It is not, however, the only one. Another important role of your roof is to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home. As a result, careful consideration is paid to the material and color combination. However, because your roof is the first line of defense and is exposed to sunshine,

dirt, storms, and other elements, it will eventually get filthy. The black streaks on the roof are one such source that might detract from the structure's splendor.

If you live in New Jersey, you are likely to encounter this form of roof damage. We'll show you what these black streaks on the roof are and what you can do about them.

What Do The Black Streaks On The Roof Mean?

Do you notice some dark-colored stains on your roof system's components? These are referred to as black streaks. It might be rather alarming to notice black stains on your roof. It may lead you to believe there is a problem with your roof, but it might simply be a symptom of natural wear and tear. In any case, these are bad for your roof and require immediate attention.

Causes Of Black Streaks

Black stains are a frequent problem throughout North America, not only in New Jersey. It is critical to understand the sources of the problem before taking action. The following are two of the most typical causes of these streaks.


When you see the dark streaks on your roof, it may be difficult to realize that they are produced by algae. It is a form of fungus that grows in water, scientifically known as gloeocapsa magma and more often known as blue-green algae. Airborne algae often grow in damp, warm conditions. Because our roofs receive direct sunshine (and hence heat) during the day and shade at night, these conditions are excellent for algae growth—especially when there are leaks in your roof decking or flashing.

Even if it isn't harmful to you or your family, the algae will continue to develop until it is deprived of enough sunshine and moisture. The more these algae spread, the more damage they might cause to your roof. As a result, you must remove and clean them as quickly as possible.

Mold And Mildew (Mold And Mildew)

Mold and mildew development is another source of these black streaks on the roof. You could believe a black area on your roof is merely a stain or discoloration caused by rainwater runoff, but it might really be mold/mildew growing in the components of your roof or shingles.

While it is not harmful, it is hardly the most attractive thing to look at. Mildew is a fungus that develops on certain materials naturally. It may develop in a range of colors and textures and will typically adhere to surfaces with wetness or humidity.

How Do You Get Rid Of These Stains?

As previously stated, these black streaks on the roofs may not appear to be threatening at first, implying that they will not damage you or your family, but they are still an issue that must be addressed. The black streak on your roof is mostly an aesthetic concern, but it can lead to more serious issues such as mildew and water damage in the future.

Algae thrive in damp environments. As a result, even the smallest amount of moisture is absorbed, degrading your shingles. If you do not take care of this, your shingle roof's life expectancy will be lowered.

To eliminate these stains, your shingle roof must be cleaned properly and maintained on a regular basis. You can make your own chemicals to do this. These black stains on the roof are extremely difficult to remove with typical cleaning agents such as water and detergent. As a result, you'll need to use trisodium phosphate (TSP) and chlorine bleach. These are quite effective and powerful.

Do You Require Assistance With Roof Maintenance? Call Champion Exteriors Today!

Cleaning on your own is never a smart idea for a variety of reasons. For starters, it is quite dangerous. Climbing onto the roof and removing those unsightly black spots might be perilous. During the procedure, there is a considerable risk of falling and harming oneself. Furthermore, if you do not utilise the proper equipment, you may do further harm to the roof.

So, why go to all this trouble? Instead, contact Champion Exteriors. Since 1936, we have been one of the leading roofing companies in New Jersey, servicing homes.

Our 87 years of knowledge in the field will undoubtedly benefit your property. Our supplies are of excellent quality, and our employees are licensed and certified. To learn more about the services we provide, call (609) 845-3576 now. Checkout Our Other Profiles Below:



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